About Us
Hi! I'm Jessica, the creator of the Lollie Wrap! I am a baby wearing mama of three jubilant kids.
Babywearing has always been a passion of mine, with my go-to carrier being a wrap. I loved the closeness of wrapping my babies, but it wasn't until my third that I realized I needed a carrier that was comfortable, but easy to use while still holding a wrap quality. My son came home from the hospital with oxygen, and a monitor and I was constantly struggling with the tail of the wrap and the knot at my back, all while trying to maneuver around cords with a baby in my arms. This is when the idea of the Lollie Wrap was born! The idea behind the Lollie Wrap is to wrap quickly and securely, without the discomfort of a knot in the back or extra tail of fabric, all while being durable and comfortable enough to babywear for both short and long periods of time. After a lot of trial and error, the Lollie Wrap was finally born! We are the ONLY stretch wrap to offer back support. I have worked hard to perfect this wrap, and I hope you will enjoy the comfort and ease of the Lollie Wrap as much as I have!
Lollie Wraps meet all ASTM requirements and we have passed all required US standard testing.

About Lollie Wraps